Assessment Office
Assessor: Teresa Lyons
Phone: 607-524-6303 ext 6
Email: - Always include a phone number and parcel address OR tax map number.
Hours: Thursday 1pm to 4pm Sept thru Apr. May hours in legal with Corning Leader
Summer Hours: By appointment only.
Address: 11161 Hendy Hollow Road, Corning NY 14830
Change of Address
Keep your mailing address current with this office to receive timely tax bills and assessment information: Address Change Form
2023 Tentative Assessment Roll
Assessment Calendar Dates
Taxable Status Date: March 1 (Exemption deadline)
Tentative Assessment Roll filed: May 1
Grievance Day: June 5, 2024 from 4pm-8pm
Final Assessment Roll Filed: July 1
Grievance Information
Grievances will be heard by the Board of Assessment Review on the second Wednesday following the fourth Tuesday of May, each year. Current date is located above in Assessment Calendar Dates.
How to challenge your assessment can be obtained at:
Exemption Information
Exemption applications must be completed in full by the property owner(s). Please read the application and the instructions that go with each application. Incomplete applications will be denied. The application - in its original form, with original signatures - along with requested documentation, is due to the assessor no later than taxable status date, March 1st each year. Do not email. You may deliver by mail (postmarked by 3/1), place in mail bin next to the Town Clerk's office only if it has been date stamped received by the town clerk, or hand deliver to the office.
A copy of the applicants drivers license is required with all new applications except agricultural.
All Star information can be found at: STAR Resource Center
Register for the Star Credit - all new homeowners and anyone not currently receiving the Star Exemption
Voluntarily Switch from the Star Exemption to the Star Credit
Application links to apply for the Star Enhanced Exemption
Respond to a Star Letter from NYS
Lower Income Senior: Residential property owned by persons 65 years of age or older, owned by at least one of its owners for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to application, and who also meet the income guidelines, are eligible to be partially exempt from general municipal taxes. No exemption may be granted by a school district to property where a resident child attends a public school. No exemptions are allowed for special districts, such as fire districts. See instructions for applicable income tax year. An annual renewal application is required.
Form Instructions These links will be updated when the new form is available
Lower Income Disabled: Property that is owned by one or more persons who are designated disabled, is used exclusively for residential purposes, and who also meet the income guidelines, is partially exempt from county taxes. See instructions for applicable income tax year. An annual renewal application is required.
Form Instructions These links will be updated when the new form is available
Alternative Veterans: The veteran must have served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Persian Gulf conflict (commencing August 2, 1990), the Vietnam War (November 1, 1955-May 7, 1975), Korean War (June 27, 1950-January 31,1955), or World War II (December 7, 1941-December 31, 1946) and must have either (1) been honorably discharged or released from service or (2) received a letter from the NYS DVS stating that the veteran now meets the character of discharge criteria for all of the benefits and services listed in the Restoration of Honor Act. A veteran also includes a recipient of an armed forces, navy or marine corps expeditionary medal and a member of a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces who served honorably while on active duty (other than active duty for training) and who has returned to reserve status. Read more in the instructions link below. A copy of the DD-214 must be submitted with the application.
Change in Service-Connected Disability Compensation Rating:
Cold War Veterans: The veteran must have served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces between September 2, 1945, and December 26, 1991, and must have either (1) been honorably discharged or released from service or (2) received a letter from the NYS DVS stating that the veteran now meets the character of discharge criteria for all of the benefits and services listed in the Restoration of Honor Act. A copy of the DD-214 must be submitted with the application.
Change in Service-Connected Disability Compensation Rating:
Rented Land Lease Affidavit (to be used only if you do not want to submit your existing lease document)
Soil Group Worksheet: Contact Steuben County Soil & Water Conservation District at 607-776-7398 Ext 5.
Proof of gross sales of the Farmer required with application.
Leased land: Soil group worksheet total acres must match lease agreement acres. Farm woodland acreage is ineligible. Lease agreement must be for a minimum of five years. Suggested lease dates to coincide with the assessment roll renewal process are 3/1/of current year of application to 2/28/five years minimally after date of application.
To E-Mail Assessor Click on This Link - Always include a phone number and parcel address OR tax map number. Comment section below is not for individual questions or concerns where a response is needed.